The Youth Program

Our Youth Program

Our Youth Program began in 2012, and since then it has been providing an excellent introduction to Aikido to young members of the family.
The Youth classes provide focused and dedicated instruction for teenagers with or without previous experience as well as for pre-teenagers and our younger members who have outgrown the Children classes. The instruction emphasizes respectful and cooperative practice, building a solid foundation of Aikido techniques and self-defence skills, and developing stamina, flexibility, self-confidence, and concentration.
These classes approach Aikido's technical aspects and philosophy at introductory to intermediate levels, including basic handling of the Jo (wooden staff) and the Bokken (wooden sword), and serve as a bridge for continuing to adult level classes.

Focus and benefits

In the Youth classes we emphasize safety, cooperation , basic and intermediate Aikido. Classes are taught by high ranking instructors in a disciplined yet fun setting, and activities include stretching, rolling, basic techniques and games.
These classes are open to youth ages 12 to 18.

Youth derive benefits in the following areas:
Personal: discipline, focus, concentration, self confidence, self awareness;
Social: cooperation, tolerance, relating to others, good manners;
Physical: flexibility, agility, balance, stamina, strength;
Cultural: Japanese customs, etiquette, tradition, counting, language.

Terms and class times

The Youth Program is closely aligned with the school year. Classes take place in three Terms in the Winter, Spring and Fall, with time off during March Break, the Summer months (July and August) and the Winter holiday season (late December).

The 2020 Term dates are:

2020 Winter Term January 6 March 29
2020 Spring Term March 30 June 24
2020 Summer Break June 25 September 8
2020 Fall Term September 9 December 16

Class times are as follows:

Mondays   6:00  -  6:50 pm
Wednesdays   6:00  -  6:50 pm
Fridays   6:00  -  7:00 pm
Sundays 11:30  - 12:30 pm


Advancement and development in the dojo are indicated in part by rank, which is reflected by the color of the belt worn as part of the uniform.
Progression from rank to rank is attained through evaluations called tests, that take place periodically.
The system of ranks, the work involved in test preparation and the successful promotion to the next level help youth to develop and attain self-confidence and a sense of achievement.


Fees for the Youth Program are as follows:

 1 month 3 months6 months9 months12 months
First child $ 90 $ 260 $ 510 $ 745 $ 970
Sibling $ 75 $ 215 $ 425 $ 620 $ 810

New member initiation fee: $25, no initiation fee for sibling.
Fees include taxes and entitle participation in all the above classes.
We do not offer any contracts, so you can stop your child's membership at any time.
Payments that overlap the Summer Break months are credited towards the next Term.
Please see our Fees page for additional information.

How to join

Joining is easy!
Come to the dojo with your youth to observe or try out a free class.
If you and your youth like what you see you can register your youth by filling out a brief form and paying the corresponding fee.
As our classes fill fast we recommend you pre-register your youth to guarantee their spot by using the form below. Fields indicated by * are required.

Subject *:
Youth's Name *:
Date of Birth *:
Gender: *:
Parent's Name *:
Email Address *:
Home Address:
Postal Code:
Phone 1:
Phone 2:
Phone 3:

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© Toronto Aikikai - 58 Ritchie Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6R 2J9, (416) 531-8273,